As is often the case with Google this situation is a little confusing. Google is changing so fast, it's hard to keep up with it.
Originally GMarks was implemented as a Firefox Plugin, and was displayed as a sidebar (a separate column on the left side). Then Google disabled this, as I related in Firefox is no Longer Compatible with Google. All my bookmarks seemed lost.
Then I found Google still had them in the cloud, in, and I made a bookmark for that in Chrome. I also noted a link on that page that you could drag to the links area of your browser. So I dragged that to Firefox. Voilà! My bookmarks were back in Firefox too.
As a matter of fact, they display even better than they are in Chrome. Google is so busy updating Chrome, they haven't gotten around to this yet. After playing around with Chrome for awhile, I will go back and use Firefox. Maybe in a few months Chrome will be as good as Firefox.
As a matter of fact, if all goes as Google plans, we will all be using the Chrome operating system, which will eliminate all other browsers - and Microsoft too. If Google can pull this off, Nelly bar the gate!
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