By bowing to Sen. Joseph Lieberman and his obstructive pals in both
parties on health care reform, President Barack Obama has confirmed
what Republicans always say about Democrats: They simply aren’t strong
enough to govern.
While observing the worst expressions of Lieberman’s character, the
public has learned about the president’s defects, as well. Three years
ago, Obama supported the Connecticut senator when few liberals would
and then defended his senatorial privileges this year, even after he
had endorsed and campaigned for John McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008.
Now Lieberman has repaid those favors with spite—and that smart,
tenacious, cool leader in the White House did nothing but flinch.
This is the favorite whipping boy of John Ralston Saul, in his book The Unconscious Civilization. Since it is one of mine too, I enjoy reading him. I took a slightly different approach: finding where power resides - but came to the same conclusion: in the large corporations in our economy. In their book The Power Structure of American Business sociologists Beth Minz and Michael Schwartz describe this power structure in considerable detail with lots of tables, graphs, and diagrams. In summary: they are all in bed with each other - to an amazing degree.
This should surprise nobody, but it should - because they are running our economy and our government. In other words: the are running us - and no one finds this the least bit worrisome. This is probably because their logic is simple: capitalism produces democracy - and everybody swallows this absurd foolishness without thinking about it. The two are direct opposites, not bed-fellows! Émile Durkham expressed its rhetoric this way:
Corporatism, as developed in the 1920s, had three aims:These were incorporated into Fascism, and later, in the US, into neoconservatism - but more importantly, into the Democratic Party, which is eager to serve them.
In case you see nothing wrong with this, let me remind you of what it means: political power has been removed from our hands.